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Message of Hope


This message is what we call the gospel, preaching the message to the lost world informing them that the ransom has been paid at the cross, that a solution to sin has been found, and what man needs to do is only to believe in Jesus Christ and His finished work of the cross and get saved from the penalty and the consequences of sin.

When one gets born again, they are reconciled back to God and at the same time given the ministry of reconciliation, they become ambassadors for Christ whose main goal is to preach the gospel to those who are still lost in sin and enmity with God so that they also may receive the gospel and believe in the Son of God to be reconciled back to God. (2 Corinthians 18:20).

The church is the bride of Jesus Christ which Christ Himself is sanctifying and cleansing her with the washing of water by the word of God. This is because when Christ comes back will present the church to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but a holy church without blemish. (Ephesians 5:26-27).

Therefore, as we preach the Gospel our focus should be a preparation of the church for the return of Jesus Christ in glory as He comes to take away His bride for a wedding banquet


In a world that makes it difficult for human beings

To keep hope alive, we choose to trust in Jesus


in Him we live

in Him we move

in Him we have our being.

When the storm rages, the Prince of Peace

Becomes our only refuge.

When the winds of negativity threaten to extinguish

The fire within us, our God fuels the fire with His

Fresh anointing; for the Bible says His mercies are

New every morning and great is His faithfulness.

Even in times of sorrow, we can boldly declare that,

the Lord is our portion; therefore, we will hope in Him.

Maybe this message has found you in a terrible space,

Maybe you are shackled by challenges that you cannot face,

Maybe you feel like things are just moving at a very slow pace,

But remember that God has a place for you in His kingdom.

He has the power to change your situation

And give you total liberation- a life that is free of sin.

Even if your zeal and passion for the Lord is dwindling,

Holding on to His promises will transform your life.

This is not the time to give up

The days are shortened

And the signs of His return are manifesting at an exponential rate.

As the foundations and systems of this world are being shaken,

We should fix our eyes on Jesus Christ, who is the only hope

Of our salvation.

Now, open your heart to him and receive instant redemption.

Him we preach, warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus. To this end I also labor, striving according to His working which works in me mightily. (Colossians 1: 28-29)


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